Jag är en tönt

Hahahah this cover amuses me. How I ever get put on a cover in front of some of these guys, I do not know. I’m all like, “Chill bros, I got this”. Hahah. It does make me pretty happy to see our band’s name amongst the likes of The Descendents. Again, I’ll never know… 

"Hahahah this cover amuses me. How I ever get put on a cover in front of some of these guys, I do not know. I’m all like, “Chill bros, I got this”. Hahah. It does make me pretty happy to see our band’s name amongst the likes of The Descendents. Again, I’ll never know…"

Var bara tvungen... (A) hittade detta på Hayleys blogg och jag tyckte det var smått underhållande ^^
Chill bros, I got this

Postat av: wendy

hahhahahha nerd! :)

2010-03-27 @ 12:00:21
Postat av: Josefiin

sv; Ja det hoppas ja me, hoppas dom gör en film, som på the final riot fast med brand new eyes

Tack =)

2010-03-27 @ 14:25:55
URL: http://majajosefiin.blogg.se/


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